Friday, February 6, 2009


Blogging is a huge challenge for me. Really, more accurately technology is a hard language to understand. Perhaps it is my age, perhaps lack of patience but whatever it is I get so upset when I can't get something right. After the first ten times, I want to scream and just give it up. I get so frustrated that the colors, texts and the font sizes are all different and I have not figured out how to edit them . I am truly trying to aim for a coherent view but I can't do it yet . I will not stop doing the blogging but perhaps in time I can manage the technology a bit more easily.

I often just give up with technology and say who cares anyway. However I do feel that blogging gives me a valuable way to express myself so that my unique and unusual ponderings don't keep going round and round in my head. It also gives you some insight into what is going on in my head. All of us walk around with our heads filled with so much really important stuff that blogging gives a voice to. I guess that I could say that the muses made me do it this way!

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